Future-Foretaste | Genesis 47

He grew up in a complicated family. He endured betrayal, hardship, injustice, and isolation. Yet in one of the Bible’s most dramatic reversals, Joseph rose to a place of power and authority, delivering God’s people and preserving the covenant family. In this series, we explore Genesis 37-50, following the story of God's providence in the life of a “beloved son" who prefigures a Greater Son to come.

As Joseph and his family settle in a foreign land, God graciously provides for them. God gives his people a future-foretaste of the work that he will do in the future. Genesis 47 helps us to see how God's gifts in the present are meant to help us have the right posture for faithful living in the present as we expect and wait for God's complete work of restoration.

Future-Foretaste | Genesis 47
Aaron Mattox

The Father's Blessing | Genesis 48


The Journey | Genesis 46