Care & Counseling
Biblical Counseling
Every human being is story-formed. At Coram Deo, we want to help you engage your story through the lens of Scripture, with an eye toward God’s redeeming grace. We offer biblical counseling from our pastors and deacons, and we also make referrals to professional Christian counselors in our city.
If you would like to receive biblical counseling, please email Noah Hawkins, our Care & Counseling Assistant. He will field your request and schedule your first meeting.
Christian Recovery
Christian Recovery is an intensive, Christ-centered, 12-step program designed to help spiritually sick people point each other to Jesus for healing. It also provides fellowship and accountability in applying Christian principles and practices to all areas of life. Christian Recovery welcomes anyone who has a desire to work a recovery program, regardless of belief. It operates as an Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous approved 12-step meeting for anyone desiring or needing a recovery meeting.
Weekly meetings are hosted at Coram Deo Church. These meetings are closed meetings and not open to the public.
If you would like more information about Christian Recovery, please email David Sundman, our Pastoral Resident.
Pre-Marital Counseling
If you’ve recently become engaged - congratulations! We want to help you prepare not just for your wedding day, but for a successful marriage. To that end, our pre-marital counseling is designed to help send you into marriage with biblical insights, practical tools, a God-centered vision, and coaching from an experienced married couple.
Here’s a quick snapshot of what you can expect.
You and your fiancé will individually complete a pre-marital questionnaire.
As a couple, you will meet with a Pastor or Deacon for an initial pre-marital counseling meeting.
You will then be connected with a mentor couple for a minimum of four meetings to walk through A Gospel Foundation For Marriage.
If you are interested in pre-marital counseling, please email Noah Hawkins, our Care & Counseling Assistant.
Adoption & Foster Care
Adoption is a central tenet of the gospel of Jesus Christ. In Jesus, we become sons and daughters of God through faith (Gal. 3:26). As an extension of the gospel, our church family cares deeply about the adoption of vulnerable children into homes with loving Christian parents. We also partner with faith-based organizations who are committed to keeping children safe and families together through foster care.
Beyond providing relational support, Coram Deo also partners with Lifesong for Orphans to provide financial grants for families seeking to adopt.
If you are interested in connecting with our adoptive community or would like more information on adoption grants available through Lifesong, please email Paul & Sydney Penke.
Financial Coaching
From time to time, many of us find ourselves struggling with the stewardship of our finances. Coram Deo has a team of deacons who provide financial coaching and training to our church family. We also offer benevolence help to provide financial relief in times of distress.
If you need financial help, find yourself struggling with managing your finances, or you just want to get some advice on how to serve the Lord better with your resources, meeting with one of our Financial Coaches would be a good first step.
To meet with a Financial Coach or make a benevolence request, please email Noah Hawkins, our Care & Counseling Assistant.